Ackworth & District Heritage Group...

looking after the future of Ackworth's past

Following vandalism to the Village Cross in 1999, local residents came together to found the Heritage Group in 2000.  Within a few years funds had been raised and the Cross was restored.  As well as continuing to raise funds for further projects, the group hold regular public meetings, and give talks and information to interested parties. 


Lecture programme 2024

All events held at the Parish Rooms, Bell Lane, Ackworth, starting at 7.30pm

January 25th

February 29th

March 28th

April 25th

May 30th

June 15th

September 26th

October 24th

November 14th

December 12th

"Fish & Ships"

"Crime & Punishment" 

"Yorkshire Matters"

"Post Office History" 

"Yorkshire Coalfield Kinsley Lockout" 

Trip to Northampton

"Gateways to the Past"

"History of Painting" 

(AGM 7pm)   "Remembrance" 

"Tha's Got to Laugh"    

Helen Cox

Eric Jackson

Rod Dimbleby

John Lyte

Christine Leveridge


Janet Niepokojczycka

Charles Lubelsky

Eric Jackson

Ben Rchardson

Chairperson:      P.S Lockett (Tel: 619356)

Vice Chair:         G. Atkinson

Secretary:          P. Ventom

Treasurer:          D. Lamb


Committee Members: 

M. Utting, J. Logan, S. Parker, D. Pearson, P. Richardson, W. Wigglesworth

Honorary Member: J. Lamprey